bug free

美 [bʌɡ friː]英 [bʌɡ friː]
  • 网络无缺陷;有错误
bug freebug free
  1. It 's better for the project to consume fresh , natural , clean , simple " bug free " code .


  2. It offers no performance issues and seems relatively bug free .


  3. Find out how to keep your home bug free .


  4. The goal is to move towards a bug free program .


  5. Big Bird opens the jar and sets the little bug free .


  6. Enjoy a world that 's entirely bug free


  7. If you find a piece of code surprisingly bug free , tell the world .


  8. No software is bug free , and application users can encounter unexpected results during the run time of programs .


  9. The smaller the code size of an application , the easier it is to validate and prove that it is bug free .


  10. Getting an application developed on-time and bug free , that meets all of the project requirements , can be a daunting task .


  11. Pelz-Stelinski said it may take as long as five years to come up with a way to make the psyllid bug free of the dangerous bacteria .


  12. Aegis is built around keeping the current versions running and as bug free as possible , so each Change Set incorporates at least one test .


  13. Build quality in ; it 's not how much work you do in an iteration , it 's all about how bug free the delivered work is .


  14. In fact , some embedded hypervisor vendors have formally verified their hypervisors and guaranteed them to be bug free .


  15. Thanks to JUnit , Java code tends to be far more robust , reliable , and bug free than code has ever been before .


  16. Don 't assume that your program is bug free ; limit what your program can do , so that bugs are less likely to become security flaws .


  17. When you stop paying the bonus , or when they decide they don 't care that much about the money , they no longer think that they care about bug free code .


  18. Getting a design out the door , relatively bug free and on schedule has been achievable so far primarily by ramping up the number of engineers working on those chips .


  19. With all of the time you 've invested in Grails development at this point , you need to make sure that it starts out bug free and stays that way for the life of the application .


  20. Authenticity & You might be able to grab a key software application for free , but even if you don 't need a manual , you might like to be sure it is bug free , reliable , and warranted .
